food allergy fever fish

Food Allergy Fever, What Should I Do?

Food allergy fever – Allergies are an overreaction of the immune system to objects in the environment that are usually harmless, including animals, food, drugs or chemicals, insect stings, dust, and pollen in the air.

Substances that cause allergies are known as allergens. Some allergies are so mild that you don’t even notice them, but there are also some severe allergic reactions that can be life-threatening.

When you go into shock due to allergies or anaphylaxis, your entire body reacts violently to the allergen (allergen).

Food Allergy Fever syndroma

Allergic shock is most likely to occur after taking the drug or food you are allergic to or after being stung by an insect.

Allergic shock can also occur after skin contact with an allergen, such as latex. Under certain conditions, you can go into allergic shock while exercising.

Food Allergy Fever

A food allergy is an immune response triggered by a particular food that causes allergy symptoms.

This occurs when the body mistakenly perceives the food eaten as a threat to the body, so to protect itself, the immune system signals to produce antibodies to fight the food.

The next time the food is eaten again, the immune system will recognize it and respond by activating a series of reactions that trigger allergy symptoms.

In some children, allergies will disappear with age, but if they appear in adulthood, generally allergies will not go away.

Food allergies fever in Infants and Children

Food allergies are a growing problem in infants and children. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, food allergies affect 1 in 3 children. Symptoms can vary and may include skin reactions, breathing problems, and anaphylaxis.

If you are concerned about your child’s food allergy, talk to your pediatrician. He or she can evaluate your child and recommend treatments, such as dietary restrictions or allergy shots.

Food allergy fever can be dangerous if not treated. If your child has a food allergy, be sure to keep a food diary and always bring along a copy for your pediatrician.

Milk and soy allergies are more common in infants and young children, which is likely because their immune and digestive systems are still developing.

Allergies can appear within days or months of birth, and may not present as hives or asthma, but rather as colic or poor growth. A doctor may diagnose a food allergy fever by changing the diet and observing the effects, for example, switching from cow’s milk to soy or vice versa.

Typically, the doctor sees a very unhappy colicky child who may not sleep well at night and diagnoses a food allergy partly by changing their diet, like switching from cow’s milk to soy formula. This type of allergy tends to disappear within a few years.

Doctors recommend only breastfeeding infants for the first 4-6 months, if possible, for many reasons, but there’s no proof that it prevents food allergies later in life.

While some pregnant women may hope to limit their diets while they’re pregnant or breastfeeding may help their children avoid allergies, the experts disagree and don’t suggest it. Soy formula isn’t a good way to prevent allergies either.

Allergic rhinitis or hay fever

Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen, which is a type of plant. Pollen is a small particle that comes from flowers. The body reacts to pollen by producing an inflammatory response, which can cause symptoms such as a runny nose, itchy eyes, and a sneezing attack. Hay fever is most common during the spring and summer, but can occur at any time of the year.

Allergic rhinitis is an inherited allergic disease, that occurs in 1 person in 10, and is more common in women than men.

People with other types of allergies (eg asthma and eczema) are more likely to develop allergic rhinitis.

Symptoms include itching of the eyes, nose, roof of the mouth, and throat; sneeze; stuffy or runny nose; or watery eyes. In severe cases, allergic rhinitis can trigger asthma attacks and/or eczema.

Symptom of food allergy fever

Allergies can affect various parts of the body. Symptoms can occur within minutes to days after contact with the allergen

Upper respiratory system
* Hay fever
* Asthma
* Flu-like symptoms (sneezing, grunting)

Eyes: Red or watery eyes

Joints: Painful, inflamed


  • Urticaria (hives)
  • Eczema
  • Cold sweat & moist skin

Stomach and intestines: Diarrhea, indigestion, stomach cramps, nausea & vomiting

Central nervous system:
* Dizziness, fainting
* Fast heart rate

Complications of food allergy fever

  • Anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction with symptoms of restlessness, difficulty breathing, and wheezing).
  • Seizure.
  • If not treated quickly can be fatal (death)


  • Animal fur
  • Chemistry
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Cosmetics
  • Medicines
  • Dust
  • Some food
  • Pollen

What can you do?

  1. For mild allergic rhinitis, use decongestant drops or sprays to relieve symptoms.
  2. For skin allergies, apply an anti-itch cream or calamine lotion to the rash to relieve irritation.
  3. Take antihistamines (anti-allergic drugs). While taking sedating antihistamines, do not drive a car or operate machinery, as these drugs can make you drowsy. During the day, it is more appropriate to take a non-sedating antihistamine.
  4. If the allergy is caused by a drug, stop using the drug immediately and consult with your doctor
  5. If symptoms persist and become severe or complications develop, consult a doctor.
  6. If there are signs of anaphylactic shock, take the victim immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room.

What the Doctor can do

  1. Eliminate the possibility of other diseases.
  2. Perform tests to determine allergens.
  3. Prescribe antihistamines and steroids, if necessary.
  4. Give allergy shots [desensitization shots (allergen immunotherapy/vaccine)] to identify unavoidable causes of allergies.
  5. Recommend special diets for food allergies.

Prevention tips

  1. Try to know and avoid substances that you are allergic to, for example, foods, chemicals, and drugs.
  2. Tell your friends and coworkers about your allergies.
  3. Tell your doctor and dentist about any drug allergies you have, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
  4. Check labels before taking medication or food if you have an allergy to both.
  5. Keep your home dust-free, pet dander, and mite free. Cover your nose when sweeping floors, cleaning furniture, and changing sheets. You may also need to find a ‘new home’ for your pet.
  6. If you have an allergy to medication, always carry a warning card that clearly states the name of the drug causing the allergy. This will prevent administering the drugs while you are unconscious.

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